A blog where Stephanie Belser test-drives her fictional stories.
Expect the occasional
"stall, spin, crash & burn".

Sunday, May 11, 2014

The Ghost- For Sale!

Now available for purchase for your ebook gizmo.

1 comment:

UK Houston said...

Dear Ms. Belser,
Last time we talked, when I left you that Amazon review, I was looking forward to the next thing. Well, with Ghost, here it is.
It's a tidy little story that I read in one sitting last night. Your post down below says you found two mistakes. I started highlighting the typos and other errors that I found and have at least 30 items. I would send you the whole list, but Kindle does not make it easy to get annotations out to other formats. Here are three, at Loc 48:
"If it was to believed, he ..."
"...had called the registrar's office the transcript was ..."
"The first one I talked to said: "I don't remember him" and hung up."
Loc 99:
"... but there were two by the name of "P. Smith" was listed at the end ..."
Loc 117:
"... David McKay, my contract at the transition team."
It goes on. Find a proofreader, I am begging you.